COERR Pastoral Care supported pastoral services for spiritual purpose and social care of poor elderly, and also traditional ethnic arts and crafts transfer from the older to younger generations. The refugees also formed their Peace Group for paying home visit and helping the elderly and sick in need of food or house cleaning or repair.
In May, the Sunday school opened again. It was taught by catechists in Ban Don Yang and Ban Tham Hin Churches. After class finished, children and youth gathered to walk to visit elderly and sick people in the church vicinity to sing, and pray for their health.
Activities for those healthy elderly were also organized at COERR Social Service Center where they they taught traditional arts, crafts and dancing for the youth, attended physical exercises training and made soya bean drink, etc. This month in Tham Hin camp, there were 149 elderly of 86 female and 63 male attending, while in Ban Don Yang, there were 130 elderly of 79 female and 51 male attending.
Sunday schools operated by castechists, church committee and youth leaders opened again in Ban Tham Hin and Ban Don Yang camps in May 2019

The Peace Committee visited the sick elderly and provided some fresh milk for their health. Youth also cleaned houses, kitchen, toilets, mattress, and pray with elderly.

House Repair for elderly

Soya milk making and exercising for elderly
